The Reality of Back to School for Single Mothers Without a Car
September 1, 2021
Check the calendar. What time does your last meeting end? Who’s picking up from school? Who’s picking up from soccer? Who’s picking up from gymnastics? What’s for dinner? In normal circumstances, these are common questions parents ask themselves daily when it comes to planning and taking care of their family unit. In the midst of a global pandemic combined with the uncertainties of COVID’s Delta variant, these common questions hold a lot of weight.
Imagine being a single mom trying to take on these tasks by yourself. Taking sole care of a family and earning a living is no easy task. Now imagine being a single mom without reliable transportation trying to care for your family. It most likely feels nearly impossible to you, if not unrealistic. It is, however, a reality for many single mothers living in your community.
Back-to-School Challenges for Moms in 2021
On March 1, 2021, Governor Hogan encouraged all schools to return to in-person learning this fall. Schools that don’t offer in-person learning could face legal action, although it’s up to the individual counties how often students are in-person. His issued statement in conjunction with the Maryland Board of Education also indicated that students should spend 180 days or 1080 hours in person with their teacher.
Many schools are offering virtual learning opportunities only to those who are medically fragile or live with those who are immune-compromised. And, according to The New York Times, the number of students who can attend remotely is capped by each classroom.
As schools reopen, parents are faced with the reality of their children going back to school. The typical return to school often becomes more challenging as the fall brings the mix of work, school, and extracurricular activities. Then you throw a global pandemic and rising RSV cases into the mix. According to Wall Street Journal, many schools are requiring in-person attendance. This means a drastic change in last year’s COVID-friendly routines.
Parents will need to plan reliable transportation for their children to attend in-person learning this fall and, should their child display symptoms or be diagnosed with COVID or RSV, they must have that same reliable transportation to pick them up from school as needed. This becomes incredibly important for someone who is the sole caregiver of their children, like a single mother.
How Your Car Donation Will Help Single Mothers This Fall
There are many ways single mothers benefit greatly from your car donation. But did you know that you benefit from your donation too? You’ll earn tax advantages and inspire your children with your generosity and kindness. Single mothers are given a new set of wheels to not only travel to and from work or to the grocery store, but also to care for their little ones by taking them to school and after-school activities. Your car donation doesn’t just help one person, it helps an entire family.
Donate Today
Donating to Vehicles for Change as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1). Complete our donation form 2). Schedule a pickup with our Tow Coordinator and 3). Hand over the keys and title to VFC. Your donated vehicle is then awarded to a family in need like a single mother. And with that, might we add a bonus step… 4). Change a family’s life forever.