

Hard Work and Perseverance

Tyasia Reynolds lives less than 10 miles from her job. What should be a short commute takes Tyasia 1 hour and 40 minutes on public transportation. She has a 3-year-old son who has to go to daycare in the morning. Her mother helps Tyasia out by dropping him off and picking him up. 
Tyasia says that she cannot get anywhere without a car. One time, when her son was sick, it took her 2 hours just to pick him up. Tyasia has to wait until her mother is able to drive her places, or borrow her car when she is not using it.

Her son loves Chuck-E-Cheese, and Tyasia will finally be able to take him there more often. She will take her son to kickboxing in May when he turns four. Tyasia says she is thankful for her new car so she can get from point A to point B, and is also thankful she and her family can do more activities together. She is going to name her car and wants to decorate the inside steering wheel holder.