

What Does Roadside Assistance Actually Do?

You hear about Roadside Assistance programs all the time. You probably have a friend with a AAA membership or your auto insurance provider offered an RSA in your quote. But, many people choose to forgo the membership and remove roadside assistance from their car insurance policy because it can be costly.  

There are auto repair shops like the Full Circle Auto Repair & Training Centers in Halethorpe, MD, and Waverly, Baltimore City, MD, that offer complimentary roadside assistance programs with your purchase, but you may still wonder what an RSA actually does. So, let’s explore the options to make sure you know exactly what you’re signing up for.  

What is Roadside Assistance? 

A roadside assistance program is like an insurance policy for your time on the road. You know you’ll never be stranded on the shoulder if you have an RSA. You’ll have someone to call for help any time, anywhere in the county. If you’re ever stranded on the shoulder, locked out of your car, or caught without a spare tire when you need one, there is someone to come to your rescue.  

Plus, RSA programs save you money. Just about every roadside assistance program offers a deal on towing and other basic services. Depending on your program, you might get services like tire replacement and lockout service for free too.   

What Can a Roadside Assistance Program Help With? 

RSA services all come down to your provider and your plan. Almost all plans will assist with towing. You may get a set number of miles free for the policy period, or you’ll have a reimbursement plan to help cover the costs. It is common to see RSA programs that offer lockout services, tire replacement, and jump-starts. Programs like these are usually easy to access and affordable.  

If you have a roadside assistance program through your insurance company or a car manufacturer, you may have some more benefits. These may include fuel delivery, loaner cars, and a stay in a hotel if your car breaks down far from home. These programs offer many benefits but ultimately add to the cost of your auto insurance or auto loan because you sign up for the RSA when you accept the quote or purchase a vehicle.  

Should I Buy a Plan? How Do I Know What Plan to Pick?  

There are a lot of factors to consider when you sign up for a roadside assistance program. First, you want to look into the details of your plan, especially if there is a high monthly or up-front cost. Then, read the fine print make sure your roadside assistance plan serves your individual needs.  

Next, you’ll want to consider the age and condition of your vehicle. If your car is new and in good shape, you may opt for a more affordable plan because a major auto breakdown is less likely. If your car’s on its last legs, you’ll want to have a more comprehensive plan.  

You also want to consider how often you use your car. New or old, if your car doesn’t leave the garage too often, what’s the point of spending the extra cash? Vehicles used for daily commutes and road trips will need more protection. It’s just more likely to run into car trouble when you drive more often.   

What’s the deal with Full Circle’s Roadside Assistance Program?  

We go into a lot of detail about this on our roadside assistance page of our website, but we can fill you in a little bit here. The Full Circle Auto Repair & Training Center is a TechNet professional shop. As a partner of TechNet, we get to offer our customers a free roadside assistance program with any purchase of $25 or more. Each car serviced at one of our shops in Halethorpe, MD, (21227) or Waverly, Baltimore City, (21218) is covered for two incidents within a 12 month policy period. Your policy resets each time you get your car serviced at Full Circle. 

This RSA is a reimbursement plan. The maximum reimbursement amount per incident is $75.00 and can be claimed by sending a Claim Form and roadside service receipt and receipt by email to, or postal mail to TechNet Customer Care, P.O. Box 17659, Golden, CO 80402. That’s 12 months of protection with a value of $150, just from getting your oil change or brakes checked! 

The best part is you don’t have to do anything to sign up for Full Circle’s roadside assistance program. You get it just by getting your car repaired. Our RSA program is great on its own and is a perfect complement to any policy you already have. So, getting auto repair with Full Circle is a great way to have extra protection.